tisdag 17 januari 2012

EBEG bead fest 2... Filigree!

This is just a sample of ideas for the bead fest. The piece has to be done by 31/3 so it is plenty of time but knowing me I will be sitting day and night in the end of march and work as a banshee...

torsdag 12 januari 2012

2012 New year, new beginnings

This morning I got approved by Etsy beadembroidery Guild! That is just as huge as Etsy beadweaving team. And since I got my 6 pack of stiff stuff and several sheets of ultra suede to go with the asymetrical and the wavy cuff I have som embroidering in my future,
It is light outside today so hopefully I will be able to get better pictures soon :)

So... what should I start with? Readers choice

Should it be a neckpiece, bracelet or cuff? Hit me!